Friday, January 28, 2011

The Baby Bump Debut!

Our baby is now the size of navel orange (4.5 inches, 2-3 ounces) which, coincidentally, is what I have been eating a lot of lately! I can't believe he or she is already that big! 16 weeks today and almost to the halfway mark, my how time flies! This baby will be here before we know it! It's incredible that life is created and develops into a child in 10 months. It never ceases to amaze me. Its also crazy to believe that our baby now has it's eyebrows and eyelashes. How cute!

Matt and I both got a cold this past week, but luckily we are recovered now and glad to be rid of it! It is much harder to 'kick the cold' while pregnant, but I think the prenatal vitamins I take everyday kept me from feeling as bad as matt did. His cold was worse, but it took me longer to recover. The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is in town and just about 2-3 miles from our house. I have terrible allergies to animals, hay, etc (So has Matt this year too) and I can assume that this is part of the congestion. My mucus membranes are also starting to swell which can cause pregnancy congestion and nosebleeds, according to What to Expect.

Last week I think I felt the baby move for the first time! I had was in my robe after a relaxing shower and I was listening to Dave Matthew's newest songs on my Ipod, so I decided to put it on my belly for the baby to hear it.... And that's when I felt it! It felt like a summersault in my belly - how cool! I haven't felt anything since then. I have been told that many people mistake this for other (unnamely) pregnancy symptoms, but after reading the most recent forum on What to Expect, I learned that the baby CAN actually hear now. "Studies have shown that babies who are sung to in the womb recognize the same tune when it's sung to them after birth..." I guess I will need to shelf Lady Gaga for now....

We have a winter formal to attend this Saturday for the Barnaby Club and I was searching for just the right dress for it. Matt will be in full penguin attire, so I need something really pretty! I have changed my perception about finding a dress to hide the little bump and instead, I got a dress that bunches over the belly which makes it more noticeable. While this dress is a winter fashion, it could definitely be something I wear for a few more months. It's a gold sequin sleeveless dress that gathers in the center right over the belly. I am excited to debut the baby bump this weekend! Hopefully we will have pictures to share from our fun night out with the little nugget!

The weather today is wonderful and I can't help thinking about the coming spring and summer. Even though I will be fully pregnant when the pool opens, I have already vowed to bring my bathingsuit and exercise clothes with me in a bag to work so when I leave at 5:00, I can get a workout in before hitting the pool. What could be more enjoyable for a pregnant woman in early summer? Maybe a frozen pink lemonade too! :) I don't know why, but this year I cannot get pools off of my mind. I'm craving them! No water birth please, just a place for R&R!

As for my latest food cravings, I always want a salad. My favorite lunch at the moment is a hamburger with double veggies! Anything processed (besides chips and crackers) or out of a can really grosses me out. Dinner is still a small helping and I'm not sure why. Breakfast and Lunch are just more appetizing times of the day for some reason. Moo bars are another favorite. Matt is usually the ice cream man, but lately I have been enjoying it. I don't really have any cravings for caffiene like I did in the first trimester, that paired with exhaustion was brutal! Caffiene-free Iced tea (hibiscus and mango) are always a treat! I am missing ceviche - I may indulge a little bit while in Panama in March. The fish is just too fresh not to have it :)

We are really looking forward to going to Panama to visit family. Hopefully we will be inspired by some family names and the Panamanian culture and also learn a little bit more about our extended family. The last time I went to Panama was when I was 14! It will be so good to see everyone and introduce them to my new husband. I am most looking forward to some beach time and deep sea fishing! Island life is by far my favorite thing in the world - I hope we get some of that while we're there! Maybe it will rub off on our little bun in the oven!!