Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Update - July 13th

We are now making weekly visits to Dr. Wiley, our OBGYN to check the progress of effacement and dialation.  So far I have been checked twice and there is no progress, though I am feeling PLENTY of pressure and some decent contractions every now and then.  According to Dr. Wiley, my cervix is being stubborn.... I hope that tomorrow, at our next appointment there is some progress.  I have been told to walk, get pedicures, eat italian and/or spicy food, among other (not to be named) suggestions to get things going.  Not Working For Me.  I am doing all of these things with no progress or luck in that department.  We are having a sonogram to measure the fetal weight of the baby tomorrow, which should give us a better idea of when we can induce and if it's favorable for me to do so.  We will keep everyone updated.

We have also been talking about how we will go about announcing the birth, who and how we alert people about labor and delivery.  This is still in the works....  I imagine that the type and manner of birth we have will dictate whether or not we will be eager to have guests at the hospital.  Of course, we will want all of our family present, but as far as friends, we just don't know at this point what will be comfortable for us.  I imagine if this is something we would like, we can form a text or email to mention where we are located so that visitors will know where to go.  We are delivering at Harris downtown, but will more specifically give our location at the hospital.

A friend of mine just had a baby boy (and he's so cute) on July 3rd.  She said that it really does take a week atleast to get your feet back underneath you.  As she explained, labor is exhausting and even with the full time care of her mother for the first week together at home, it's simply hard work to feed, change, burp, etc around the clock.  We are hoping to get as much sleep at home during this time with as few interruptions as possible.  That said, we are also really excited about intriducing the little girl or guy to everyone.  We have a care calendar set up for dinners, which will be super helpful and also a great time for visitors.

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