Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update July 19, 2011

We went to the baby doc again on July 19th for our weekly check up.  She checked me for dialation and effacement, which turned out to be a painful probe!  The good news is she touched the baby's head, which means she was able to get through the cervix.  She said I was almost a one.  For being this far along, that's not a great measurement, but it was more progress than last week.  I am about to start taking Evening Primrose Oil capsuls that a friend gave me.  Her Doula gave them to her and they are apparently pretty good at softening the cervix.  After talking about my stubborn cervix, we decided to move on to our options.  A couple weeks ago Dr. Wiley told me that she didn't think my body was capable of having a 9 lb. baby, nor should any woman, due to the possibility of ruining the pelvic floor.  Seeing as the baby weighed 7-1/2 lbs. last week, and in the last month of pregnancy babies grow between 1/2 and 1 lb each week, we are going to need to induce this Saturday night. We are supposed to report to the hospital at 7:00 pm, where our doc is going to give me Cervadil and something to help me sleep through the night.  In the morning around 7 am we should be ready to start making progress.  Hopefully we will have a baby in our arms that afternoon or evening! 

Inducing raises the chances of having a C-section by 50%, which honestly doesn't bother me all that much.  I understand that there can be complications and a longer recovery process from this, but I trust our doctor.  Medicine has really come a long way since the 80's, which is around the time period that everyone has a horror story about C-Sections, and the process is much easier/common place than it used to be.  Our doctor said she stopped counting how many C-sections she performed after she reached 600, which was while she was still in her residency some odd years ago.  If I do need a C-section, then in my next pregnancy I can try to go into labor on my own, or schedule a repeat cesarean, but inducing is not an option.  Apparently the uterus becomes really thin at the incision area and inducing can cause all sorts of complications. 

Either way, we are excited and ready for our little one to be born!  10 months is such a long time to wait for a baby.  And the last few weeks seem like months.  Perhaps the hot weather is affecting my perception a bit- It is over 100 degrees every day of the week!  And at night it doesn't get below the 80's, which leaves our A/C running around the clock.  Our next electricity bill should be humorous... last month was similar to what I imagine our baby's tuition will be.  Luckily the baby's room does stay around 75 degrees during the day, a happy average for our 100 year old house. 

Speaking of house, we have made great progress on the Belle Place House!  The plubing is laid and the foundation is going in next week.  Look at them go!!  We are still on schedule to be in at the beginning of November.

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